
Using Automation to Ensure Global Worker Classification and Manage Compliance

Posted: 02/17/2021 - 22:45
Sourcing Automation

Organizations are putting a magnifying glass to their global workforce. Through continuous changes in local employment laws and additional scrutiny towards proper worker classification both domestically and globally, globalization and centralization of an organization’s talent is more important than ever.

Companies who had not centralized their global workforce are now having to consolidate and audit their once independently running teams. Many are finding that having a decentralized HR function is putting their organizations at risk.

A Brief History of the Enterprise Approach to Supplier Diversity

Posted: 02/10/2021 - 07:39
Supplier Diversity

2020 brought us a time of reflection on many fronts, from how we eat to how we prioritize, how we think, how we get from point A to point B, to focusing on what matters. Diversity is one of the elements that came to the forefront in 2020 for many people and organizations.

As an immigrant and a minority woman, I never thought that we would be at this place in my lifetime where an open discussion of diversity occurs because I have seen how much of it was shunned systematically in the past.

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Nearshore Digital Transformation Partner?

Posted: 02/04/2021 - 04:06
Nearshore Digital Transformation

Given the supply chain disruption, business shut-downs and economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19, it’s never been clearer — doing business closer to your own shores is coming back into vogue.

With recent restrictions on H-1B workers and a tech talent shortage, selecting a nearshorer is fast becoming the first step on a company’s digital transformation journey.

Why Supply Chain Leaders Need to Bolster the Circular Economy

Posted: 01/29/2021 - 02:28
Circular Economy

The concept behind a circular economy is simple: minimize waste by reusing, sharing and repairing goods that are already in use. That allows items to remain in the economic system, preventing the need for as many new products to be introduced.

This results in a closed loop. New resources aren’t being used, so energy is conserved.

Sustainability and Notebook PCs: Behind the Scenes With TCO Certified

Posted: 01/27/2021 - 00:17
Sustainability and Notebook PCs

IT products come with many social and environmental challenges. Conflict minerals, supply chain working conditions, hazardous substances, e-waste as well as the  “take, make, use dispose” model of the linear economy demonstrate that the challenges and risks connected to our digital devices run wide and deep. Purchasers and users of technology are at the forefront of asking for better product options.

Practical Perspectives on AI Governance

Posted: 01/16/2021 - 02:58
Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping our future and becoming integrated into our lives, both at home and work.

The Future With Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping our future and becoming integrated into our lives, both at home and work. With it come many fears about what it means to jobs, humans and our future.

First, let’s put our minds at ease around the fear of tech run amok. We are incredibly far away from a Terminator chasing us. Now, let's focus on the idea that we can positively shape AI to our benefit. 

Uncover New Opportunities from a Return on Experience

Posted: 01/15/2021 - 05:02
Everyone knows the term "return on investment"—or “ROI”—meaning you get more monetary value out of something than what you put into it. But money is not the only measure of value. As we take stock of our business and personal lives, I think we should re-establish a lesser-recognized concept: return on experience.

Though terrible, the pandemic has given us much-needed time to pause, reflect, and perhaps make some changes to the way we live our lives. We have a chance to reevaluate what is really important to us. What brings us happiness? What drains our energy? What experiences add meaning to our days? Which ones take it away? We have an opportunity to face this challenge in a way that makes us better people.

COVID-19 Proves Why It’s Time to Put the Supply Chain on Autopilot

Posted: 01/12/2021 - 02:30
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of the global supply chain.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of the global supply chain. Precisely when the capabilities of international, interconnected trade mechanisms were supposed to kick into high gear, producers found themselves desperate for supplies while store shelves lacked essential goods. The global supply chain didn’t rise to the occasion. Now, it’s important to examine why.

Use eAuctions Instead of “3 Bids and a Buy” for Greater Savings

Posted: 01/08/2021 - 04:19
Despite auctions being far more efficient than negotiating prices, to secure direct and indirect services and goods, they are entirely underused by multinationals.

In late 2020, Robert Wilson and Paul Milgrom were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for breakthrough work on structuring auctions to deliver the best results for both the seller and buyer. Google, for instance, reinvented the advertising industry, which was based on face-to-face, closed-doors deal-making, with its programmatic, automated, real-time, largely auction-based digital platform. In doing so, Google grew exponentially by providing millions of small businesses with the ability to advertise cost-effectively.

Artificial Intelligence Brings Empathy and Linguistics to Customer Service

Posted: 01/04/2021 - 22:51
When artificial intelligence (AI) was first introduced in customer service, it was limited to basic chatbot features. Recent advancements are now bringing a sense of empathy and linguistics to AI agents.

When artificial intelligence (AI) was first introduced in customer service, it was limited to basic chatbot features. Recent advancements are now bringing a sense of empathy and linguistics to AI agents.

Currently being tested by banks in the Middle East, this new AI can detect anger, frustration, and other human emotions both over the phone and online. Impressively, most customers can’t even detect that the voice on the other end of the line is not human.

Tips for Managing a Successful Competitive Bid

Posted: 12/31/2020 - 03:09
Agile 4 Step Procurement Methodology

Agile 4 Step Procurement Methodology, developed through decades of experience, delivers practical and sustainable results. It is a method our clients find valuable and one we use internally for our projects, too. Practice what you preach!

Imagine you have a competitive bid to run. You have completed your planning and research, gathered your requirements, performed a marketplace assessment and determined your sourcing strategy. You are ready to move forward with the competitive bid. With so much to do, how do you stay organized and what are the next steps?


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