
Social Impact Sourcing: A New Version of Commerce

Posted: 04/28/2021 - 09:00
Social Impact Sourcing: A New Version of Commerce

In the midst of a pandemic, business models are wide open for transformation.

From my perspective, COIVD-19 is just a precursor to the larger threat looming from unmitigated climate change. In conjunction with racial inequality, old-hat “business as usual” models are potentially heading off a cliff.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are what many consider the gold standard for social impact goals. They provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet, along with an urgent call to action. How do we help achieve these goals?

7 Actions Procurement Leaders Can Take to Improve Diversity and Inclusion

Posted: 04/27/2021 - 09:00
7 Actions Procurement Leaders Can Take to Improve Diversity and Inclusion

So far in this series on diversity and inclusion, we have explored a historical perspective on supplier diversity in the enterprise, tips to improve it, and how the supplier community can leverage their diversity status. Now we will discuss how procurement leaders can incorporate diversity and inclusion into their team management strategies.

Impacting the Environment and Human Health Globally with IT Products

Posted: 04/22/2021 - 09:00
Impacting the Environment and Human Health Globally with IT Products

IT products are essential in most organizations, but they come with a complex supply chain that includes both social and environmental risks. If done right, purchasers can directly impact the environment and human health by procuring more sustainable IT products, and become the driving force for socially responsible manufacturing, safer alternatives to hazardous substances and circular procurement.

How Diverse Suppliers Can Leverage their Status with Large Enterprises

Posted: 04/20/2021 - 09:00
How Diverse Suppliers Can Leverage their Status with Large Enterprises

To continue the previous conversation on diversity and inclusion (see my other articles on the enterprise approach to supplier diversity and how to shape the future of supplier diversity), I’d like to look at the other side of the coin: What can suppliers do to help enterprise clients improve their diverse supplier inclusion, selection an

Beyond the Sea: Optimizing Maritime Routes and Other Logistical Problems

Posted: 04/14/2021 - 13:00
Optimizing Maritime Routes and Other Logistical Problems

By now, you’ve probably heard of quantum computers and how someday they’ll be able to perform mathematical feats far beyond the reach of even today’s supercomputers. However, you’ve probably heard a lot less about how quantum computers, which rely on sub-atomic quantum physics to perform calculations, will actually benefit your particular industry.

When considering how quantum computers might benefit areas such as supply chain, finance and manufacturing, it’s important to understand that quantum thrives on complex challenges.

Crafting a KPI Playbook to Enhance Supply Performance

Posted: 04/14/2021 - 09:00
Crafting a KPI Playbook to Enhance Supply Performance

As Peter Drucker famously said, “If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it.” Today, technology tools enable real-time collection and analysis of near endless amounts of big data throughout the value chain. This, coupled with our exponentially growing data, offers an exciting new frontier for which the supply chain is uniquely positioned to unlock hidden waste.

Outsourced Shuttle Services: The New Normal of the Shuttle Bus Experience

Posted: 04/07/2021 - 09:00
Outsourced Shuttle Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the parking and transportation industry in countless ways. Corporate offices once filled with hustle and bustle have mostly turned into ghost towns, resulting in a significantly decreased need for shuttle and transportation services. So, what’s next for the future of shuttles? As pharmaceutical companies race to distribute vaccines, a vision of life returning to normal draws closer.

7 Tips to Shape the Future of Supplier Diversity in the Enterprise

Posted: 04/06/2021 - 09:00
7 Tips to Shape the Future of Supplier Diversity in the Enterprise

My last article was an overview of how large enterprises have historically approached supplier diversity initiatives and why they have underperformed.

This article will focus on ways the enterprise can improve diverse supplier inclusion, selection and support practices. I recommend that teams consider leveraging some of these tips best fitting for their respective organizations.

8 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourcing Company

Posted: 03/31/2021 - 09:00
8 Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourcing Company

From being a startup to a scale-up, businesses today have the advantage of cutting-edge technology and a diverse talent pool to realize their vision. But when growth is happening at a faster pace and wider scale than expected, there’s a danger for some companies to fall behind.

This period of growth can cause small businesses to fail if they have limited resources to keep up with the velocity of change. For those ready to take the next step, however, their growth plans often include business process outsourcing (BPO) as a strategy.

The Pandemic Imperative: Collaboration Between Payables and Procurement

Posted: 03/31/2021 - 00:00
Payables and Procurement collaboration.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for better collaboration between finance and procurement as organizations needed to act quickly to increase their focus on their cash position, cash flow and net working capital through a more collaborative finance-procurement relationship.

The relationship each side has with suppliers is synchronistic – procurement ensures the right goods and services at the right price with the right supplier, and finance ensures those same suppliers are paid on time, to confirm that hard-negotiated relationships are not jeopardized.


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