Successful Digital Transformation Requires an Inspection of all Business Processes

Posted: 11/16/2020 - 23:30
Procurement organizations are uniquely positioned to drive their companies' innovation agenda because no other function can “serve as the window to the outside world.

At the time of writing this piece, I am just one of five million people emerging from the world’s longest coronavirus-related lockdown, in Melbourne, Australia. For nearly two months, I was only allowed to leave the house once a day for essential items and required to stay within three miles of my home. From takeaway meals to IT support, to doctor’s appointments, most of the goods and services I've needed have been ordered virtually. Since COVID-19 hit, I’m amazed at how quickly the world went virtual.

Getting Back to Work: How Can UK Companies Best Reintegrate Staff?

Posted: 11/12/2020 - 05:34
Organizations that invest in their returning staff which will benefit from recultivating a happy and high-performing workplace.

Since COVID-19 first arrived in the UK, some 9.6 million workers have experienced the furlough scheme. Despite many continuing to work from home, plenty of organizations are now transitioning back to the workplace. Decision-makers must carefully consider how they can best support staff through this experience.

There’s Plenty of Room at the Table for Nearshore and H-1B Visa Holders

Posted: 10/12/2020 - 09:45
Nearshoring, however, provides the innovation, skillset and diversity to keep tech innovation moving forward with or without visa restrictions.

In June 2020, in response to the coronavirus, President Trump signed an executive order to freeze access to new H-1B visas for professional and technology workers doing business in the U.S. This has a huge impact, considering in 2019 about 139,000 new H-1B petitions were approved, joining 250,00 which were extended.

Achieving Greater Supply Chain Transparency Through Digital Transformation

Posted: 10/11/2020 - 20:18
Digital manufacturing ecosystems (DMEs) are an effective alternative to building transparency from scratch.

Transparency is the lifeblood of modern business transactions. From real-time international wire transfers and electronic health records to tracking transportation or delivery options, digital transformation has revolutionized dozens of industries by unlocking greater visibility, speed, and efficiency.

Innovative Hybrid Technology Will Safeguard COVID-19 Vaccine

Posted: 09/23/2020 - 04:49
As the world invests billions to produce a Covid-19 vaccine, it is innovative hybrid technology that will ultimately ensure its effectiveness in this fight against the virus

Recent headlines are dominated by the news that the University of Oxford research team is seeing promising results from early trials of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate. Now we must turn our attention to the vital technology that ensures that doses of any viable vaccine reach locations in a state without the need for retesting.

5 Activities to Accelerate Post-COVID Sourcing Strategies

Posted: 09/18/2020 - 05:21
There are five activities that accelerate quick results - creating new capabilities, greater efficiencies, cost savings, and increased resiliency.

When the COVID crisis hit, organizations had no choice but to respond to the challenges they faced by leveraging the resources they and their suppliers had at their disposal. Clearly, some were better prepared and responded with more resilience than others. Now we are many months into the crisis, and it's time to look at what went wrong and what organizations should change going forward.  

Tips to Drive Virtual Team Results without Micromanaging

Posted: 09/12/2020 - 04:15
Virtual work will remain a new constant path forward for many innovative organizations, while other organizations will revert to traditional onsite work.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the required virtual supply chain work across companies. Aside from the pandemic, teams workingvirtually is a macro trend that newer generations making up a growing portion of the workforce expect. Looking ahead, if supply chain leaders want to attract and retain the best and brightest talent, they will need to facilitate work in new and different ways.

Tail spend goes beyond the typical 80/20 rule

Posted: 08/24/2020 - 05:27
When you think tail spend, don’t just think of the typical 80/20 rule.

Having a sound tail spend management strategy has never been more important than it is today. It’s a key differentiator – and competitive advantage – in a down economy in which cash is king and cutting costs is a high priority. Procurement teams can no longer rely on direct materials for savings—those costs have been negotiated to death.

Preparing Global Supply Chains for the Second Wave of the Pandemic

Posted: 08/14/2020 - 08:32
As a result of the ongoing crisis, global GDP for 2020 is expected to average close to 0%, which would be a faster contraction vs the 2008 crisis.

2020 has been quite a year for global businesses and especially for supply chains.

Just in the first six months of the year, the world has already witnessed some defining moments. Looming trade wars between the U.S. and China, preparations for the post-Brexit economy in the Euro zone, and an increasing focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness are all ongoing.

Though one can argue that none of these moments took the world by surprise, they did push global supply chains to review and re-engineer their operating models.

Could the Pandemic Bring Outsourcing Closer to Home?

Posted: 08/03/2020 - 02:45
When it comes to sourcing professional services to help grow their businesses, companies will increasingly find some level of comfort and convenience by partnering with those closer to home.

A Wall Street Journal article recently posed an interesting question: “Is the world likely to become less flat because of the pandemic?” According to the article, while globalization was the growing trend in the early part of the new century, key drivers such as rising offshore costs, localization and a shift toward services delivery has begun to take some steam out of it.

Digital agility begins with automation

Posted: 07/29/2020 - 02:05
digital agility with automation

Well, many companies adopt automation in only one department of their business, while the rest of the department will rely on legacy systems. An automation platform cannot perform to its ultimate capabilities if the whole company is not on the same system. When you talk about company-wide automation, many companies are hesitant to deploy automation company-wide because it can require a lot of training and the system may not be user-friendly.

Where Data and Operations Intersect to Meet COVID-19 Challenges

Posted: 07/28/2020 - 04:20
AI is instrumental when analyzing multiple, complex data assets to identify insights that are critical to predicting outcomes.

There is no shortage of analysis and predictions today regarding COVID-19 and our future.  While experts of all walks of life weigh in via global news channels, healthcare organizations are still left addressing the here and now as well as surges that could happen tomorrow, next week or in a few months. For those supporting the front lines securing necessary supplies and resources, it is paramount to be able to deliver what is urgently needed.


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