A Focus on the Value and Virtue of Supply Chains

Posted: 02/24/2021 - 09:00
In 2021, supply chain sustainability is likely to be more important than ever.

A Focus on the Value and Virtue of Supply Chains

After a historically disruptive year, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are waking up to the fact that the measure of a supply chain is much greater than its landed costs. Meanwhile, consumers are more vocal than ever about the virtue of the companies from which they purchase. They want products, solutions, and supply chains to reflect their own ideals and aspirations related to sustainability, inclusion and fairness. 

Is digital transformation procurement’s secret weapon to boosting business agility?

Posted: 02/23/2021 - 09:00
Digital transformation: the secret weapon to agility.

As I reflect on the turbulence from this infamous last year, a predictable pattern has emerged: organizations that were able to digitally transform their business prior to the pandemic were able to mitigate most of the risks the pandemic presented to business continuity. In obvious contrast, organizations that hadn’t been able to do so fell victim to those risk factors. As we saw with numerous industries, businesses unable to shift their focus quickly during lockdown or acute supply chain disruption, suffered great impact in the immediate term.

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Nearshore Digital Transformation Partner?

Posted: 02/04/2021 - 04:06
Nearshore Digital Transformation

Given the supply chain disruption, business shut-downs and economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19, it’s never been clearer — doing business closer to your own shores is coming back into vogue.

With recent restrictions on H-1B workers and a tech talent shortage, selecting a nearshorer is fast becoming the first step on a company’s digital transformation journey.

Uncover New Opportunities from a Return on Experience

Posted: 01/15/2021 - 05:02
Everyone knows the term "return on investment"—or “ROI”—meaning you get more monetary value out of something than what you put into it. But money is not the only measure of value. As we take stock of our business and personal lives, I think we should re-establish a lesser-recognized concept: return on experience.

Though terrible, the pandemic has given us much-needed time to pause, reflect, and perhaps make some changes to the way we live our lives. We have a chance to reevaluate what is really important to us. What brings us happiness? What drains our energy? What experiences add meaning to our days? Which ones take it away? We have an opportunity to face this challenge in a way that makes us better people.

COVID-19 Proves Why It’s Time to Put the Supply Chain on Autopilot

Posted: 01/12/2021 - 02:30
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of the global supply chain.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of the global supply chain. Precisely when the capabilities of international, interconnected trade mechanisms were supposed to kick into high gear, producers found themselves desperate for supplies while store shelves lacked essential goods. The global supply chain didn’t rise to the occasion. Now, it’s important to examine why.

Navigating Supply Chain Complexities With Sustainability

Posted: 12/22/2020 - 04:50
This year has proven complex for organizations and their supply chains as they adapt to an ever-changing landscape filled with new risks and volatilities.

This year has proven complex for organizations and their supply chains as they adapt to an ever-changing landscape filled with new risks and volatilities.

Forward-thinking leaders are turning to sustainability as the solution for building long-term resiliency and ROI. The recently released EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk & Performance Index shows there is additional work to be done in the journey toward more sustainable business.

New Survey Reveals Impact of COVID and Remote Work on Employees

Posted: 12/08/2020 - 03:00
Organizations have made significant changes to enable working from home, but what has it meant for employees, and, specifically, their expense claims?

Organizations have made significant changes to enable working from home, but what has it meant for employees, and, specifically, their expense claims?

AppZen, the leading AI solution for modern finance teams, released new data that reveals how the pandemic and remote work have impacted company expense reports. CEO Anant Kale provides insights into the findings and how companies should take note when it comes to handling employee expenses moving forward.

Six Strategies for Deciding Which Customers to Serve When Disruption Strikes

Posted: 12/01/2020 - 03:05
Large-scale disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic cause huge supply/demand imbalances due to interruptions in supply or surges in demand.

Large-scale disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic cause huge supply/demand imbalances due to interruptions in supply or surges in demand. In an unstable environment, companies often have to prioritize which customers they serve.

Past disruptions reveal how companies on both ends of the supply chain have handled such challenges, both in terms of tactics they employed and considerations they used for their decisions.

Demonstrating the Value of Marketing Procurement

Posted: 11/25/2020 - 02:17
The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenging conditions for many business enterprises, and it has elevated the importance of maximizing the value produced by every dollar of marketing spend.

Earlier this year, the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) published an important report on the current state of marketing procurement. The report is part of an ongoing initiative called “Project Spring” that is being led by the WFA Global Sourcing Board. The Project Spring initiative’s goal is to “transform the value proposition of marketing procurement.”


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