
4 Ways to Accelerate Your Impact Sourcing Strategy

Posted: 04/17/2020 - 22:57
Talent management

Across all industries, talent is our single most important resource. Our corporate strategies rise and fall in line with the experience, commitment, and uniqueness of our talent pool. One can often point to economic circumstances, seasonality of your business or other external factors affecting your market position, however even in times of an economic downturn, your talent makes you stand out above your competitors and helps you overcome the downturns faster than others.

COVID-19: Where is your supply disruption?

Posted: 04/13/2020 - 01:06
Coronavirus map

When the first few cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) were detected just four short months ago, few could have expected what has now become our new reality. We are in the midst of a global pandemic outbreak that tragically continues to claim the lives of thousands and disrupt the livelihoods of countless others. On top of that, it’s also causing serious business, supply chain and economic disruptions worldwide. From shortages in supply and talent, to quarantine and border closures, the impact is increasing by the day, continuing to wreak havoc on businesses and supply chains.

2020: The End of Procurement

Posted: 04/10/2020 - 04:46
Procurement in 2020

A new year and a new decade brings about the end and the beginning of many things. Hopefully the new decade brings an end to the angry woman and cat meme as well as the retirement of the man bun (sorry, it’s not my style). All kidding aside, the new decade brings hope, a chance to renew, a time to reflect and an opportunity to leave the past in the past.    

A Brave New Supply Chain World

Posted: 04/08/2020 - 02:49
World Supply Chain

To understand long-term transformations in supply chain and procurement technology, supply chain professionals must be able to understand present trends so they can help shape future realities. Experts believe the following predictions are viable hypotheses that we should consider for 2030.

How Executives Achieve Alignment To Drive IT Deal Negotiations

Posted: 04/06/2020 - 05:20
IT Deal Negotiations

What’s the biggest challenge in IT deal-making?

Understanding ownership of the process, and what role everyone is playing. This must be clear from the outset. Some organizations are not relationship-driven and rely on the top person, relegating the rest of the team to the sideline. This presents problems, because the team is only involved at the last minute, and by then, it’s too late for them to be effective.

A Vital Step to Managing Marketing Spending During a Pandemic

Posted: 04/03/2020 - 05:29
 Managing Marketing Spending During a Pandemic

As I am writing this article in late March, the full economic fallout from COVID-19 is not yet known and, in fact, will remain unknown for a while. However, two things are clear. The economic repercussions of COVID-19 will be huge and marketing spending is about to be put under the microscope in ways that we haven’t seen since the “great recession” of 2008-2009.

Absence Intelligence: The New AI in HR

Posted: 04/01/2020 - 00:12
AI in HR

Just about every company monitors when its staff is absent, whether on a planned holiday or sick, and has a policy for how much leave its employees are entitled to. However, very few go any deeper than this. Absence is observed, but most companies do not see the implications of certain trends or ensure compliance across a global workforce, much less take any proactive steps to help their staff on absence-related issues.

Leveraging Behavioral Data in Negotiations

Posted: 03/30/2020 - 22:35
Behavioral Data in Negotiations

Knowing the behavioral history of a supplier prior to negotiations is essential to understand the reasons why a supplier is likely to offer optimal prices and service level agreements (SLA).

In the past, siloed and in-person negotiations often revealed insights about supplier behavior, but these insights were usually ignored because there was no empirical way for a sourcing professional to capture, share, and leverage this behavioral data cross-functionally.

Libby Weber: The Importance of Framing Your Contracts

Posted: 03/23/2020 - 01:48
Preventive Contract Framing

Libby Weber - Associate Professor of Strategy at The Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine - promotes a way of thinking about contracts beyond their traditional “preventive” role of avoiding risk, preventing breaches or opportunistic behavior.

Her premise? Why not use contracts to promote cooperation, flexibility, and creativity?

Can I sign business contracts remotely while self-isolating?

Posted: 03/20/2020 - 05:22
Sign business contracts remotely

Businesses must ensure they understand what can be done remotely in relation to the signing of documents. They should also now be re-visiting contracts and opening dialogue with other parties within the supply chain to understand the potential impact Covid-19 may have. This planning is imperative to ensure business continuity, that relationships remain commercially viable and that disputes are avoided.  Uncertainty does not absolve directors of the need to act in the business’ best interests.

Understanding and Overcoming Buyer Stagnation Through Procurement

Posted: 03/18/2020 - 03:41
Overcoming Buyer Stagnation Through Procurement

Today, more than ever, filling the top of the funnel is proving to be extremely difficult. Speak with any salesperson and you’re likely to hear just how hard selling has become. And while yes, this is true, it’s nothing compared to being the person on the other end – you guessed it, I’m talking about the buyer.

Sustainable Procurement: What You Need to Know

Posted: 03/16/2020 - 01:41
Sustainable Procurement

Sustainability is one of the most important trends of our time – and it looks set to dominate business discussions well into the foreseeable future. In fact, studies have made the case for sustainability to be considered a new type of competitive priority, joining quality, cost, reliability, timeliness, flexibility and innovation as one of the core factors for building competitive businesses.


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