Spend Categories

Strategies to Drive Procurement Compliance and Manage Rogue Spend

Posted: 06/01/2020 - 21:54
Procurement Compliance and Spend Management

Compliance is a critical purchasing success factor. Aside from the tremendous amount of financial impact, compliance has other positive outcomes. When employees comply with purchasing through designated supplier programs, it significantly streamlines the supply chain, allowing your organization to be agile and flexible.

Exploring On-Demand Purchased Service Solutions

Posted: 11/20/2018 - 01:04
The management of purchased services continues to lag relative to other categories of spend. And while the reasons are varied and debatable, virtually no one argues the availability of big savings opportunities. So what gives? No doubt, the decentralized nature of many purchased services confounds attempts to introduce more manageable processes. And we can’t overlook the “stiff arm” that procurement leaders often receive from stakeholders who treat certain categories of spend like organizational sacred cows.
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