Request for Proposal (RFP)

How to Keep Bad Weather from Killing Your Logistics

Posted: 12/11/2018 - 04:15
Supply lines never look as vulnerable as they do when inclement weather strikes. At best, trucks face major delays as accidents and poor conditions make roads treacherous and, at worst, they suffer accidents of their own. Routinely, air carriers remain grounded while affected areas hunker down and airports close. Don’t think you’re safe even if you fall outside a storm’s high-impact area.

Re-engineering a Corporate Real Estate Service Organization: Strategic Sourcing

Posted: 10/06/2018 - 00:38
In Part I: Operational Review, the team identified what needed to be done and determined the optimal delivery model. In Part II: Strategic Sourcing, we will examine the strategic sourcing process, including: 
  1. Supplier Pre-Qualification
  2. Bid Strategy
  3. Request for Proposal/Solution/Partner Development

Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 – The Happiest Days of our Lives

Posted: 05/04/2018 - 04:10
For procurement, sourcing construction projects can represent a significant challenge.

For procurement, sourcing construction projects can represent a significant challenge. Given that there are a variety of delivery methods that can be deployed, variability in benchmark cost data, and that owners are more likely to purchase a concept than a commodity, buyers have to navigate a complicated ecosystem in order to bring tangible value.

Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1: The Show Must Go On

Posted: 03/02/2018 - 01:27

Alignment to business needs during the Request for Proposal (RFP) phase of any sourcing event is critical, but perhaps more so when it comes to capital building projects given some of the changes procurement professionals face within their stakeholder community. In most companies, the plant facility's engineering teams are composed of lifelong veterans within the industry who have executed numerous projects – some successful and others, well, not so much. This inconsistency of results tends to make these individuals rather risk adverse and fixed in a traditional way of thinking.

Bridging the Strategy-to-Execution Gap

Posted: 01/27/2018 - 01:01

Outsourcing decisions often come down to a relatively simple cost-driven Return on Investment (ROI) calculation: how much will the cost change in each scenario and how quickly can that investment be recovered? 

On the surface, this purely economic approach seems appropriate enough. After all, economics are certainly important. But over-reliance on purely financial-driven outsourcing decisions is one of the biggest causes of the “strategy-to-execution gap,” namely the distance between a company’s business strategies and its ability to execute on them. 


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