
Opening up supply chain data for the benefit of all

Posted: 09/14/2022 - 21:51
supply chain data

When considering global supply chains, it's not new news that they are notoriously complex and opaque. Among other challenges, this means that issues such as child and forced labor, deforestation and environmental degradation can remain in the shadows. Identifying the source of these problems becomes so complex that tackling their root causes and seeking remediation for affected communities becomes a near-impossible endeavor.

Pursuing Data-driven Insights? Start With Your Supplier Data

Posted: 08/06/2021 - 09:00
Supplier Data

For years, experts have urged business leaders to prepare for the coming AI disruption. Realizing the amazing potential of these emerging technologies, they argued, would require businesses to overhaul how they manage data. Yet with the economy booming, many found it easier to push tricky data questions into the future.

Use eAuctions Instead of “3 Bids and a Buy” for Greater Savings

Posted: 01/08/2021 - 04:19
Despite auctions being far more efficient than negotiating prices, to secure direct and indirect services and goods, they are entirely underused by multinationals.

In late 2020, Robert Wilson and Paul Milgrom were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for breakthrough work on structuring auctions to deliver the best results for both the seller and buyer. Google, for instance, reinvented the advertising industry, which was based on face-to-face, closed-doors deal-making, with its programmatic, automated, real-time, largely auction-based digital platform. In doing so, Google grew exponentially by providing millions of small businesses with the ability to advertise cost-effectively.

Global Sourcing: Myth Versus Reality

Posted: 05/20/2020 - 23:01
Global Sourcing

Global sourcing offers numerous benefits. Unfortunately, due to misinformation, many companies overlook global sourcing as a solution and miss out on potential productivity benefits. In this article and the complimentary infographic, we will explore and debunk some of the most persistent myths about global sourcing.

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